5 meetings by videoconference
At a time when esoteric and self-development books are flooding our market, it is often difficult to navigate. Without claiming that I have the absolute truth, je I will share with you my expertise and experience terrain carried out over the past few years. This workshop is particularly intended for those who wish to deepen the subjects of psychic abilities and the Gift. The mentorship program will be emailed to you upon request.
5 meetings by videoconference
This energy approach consists of modulating the body energy of a person suffering from various symptoms related to various pathologies. LEnergy disturbances in the human body can regulate themselves, resulting in noticeable pain relief.
This mentorship is primarily intended for therapists wishing to improve their respective approach by including therapeutic magnetism in their practice.
This mentoring is also intended for all those who have discovered a "Don" and who want to tame it.
*** It is MANDATORY to have followed the mentorship "Psychic faculties and therapeutic power" before being able tofollow the "Therapeutic Magnetism" mentorship
120. (1hr)
Do you want to deepen a particular subject?... I will adapt to your request, 1 meeting at a time!
Techniques of meditation, visualization and projection The phenomena of haunting, infestation and possession / Religions and esoteric influences / Psychic abilities and gifts / Out of body experiences (OHS) / Past lives
Adapted individual training