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Consciousness and Global Health

Conference Speaker / Mentor / Teaching

At the Frontiers of Consciousness... From the journey of the Soul to paranormal activities.

Conference Venue: Blainville, QC, Canada

When: Date coming soon

Tiket prices 45$

In this time of great earthly disturbance, more and more people are opening up to the subtle phenomena of human existence. Information on the subject floods the internet sphere, but how can we find our way around to obtain clear explanations that allow us to better understand and above all to become the master of our consciousness!


From the phenomena of haunting to contact with the deceased, through healing in vibrational medicine as well as information services and remote vision, it is through thousands of testimonies and cases carried out over the last 14 years that this conference is presented to you.


Please note, for the time being, all conferences are in French

paranormal activities

Mentora and teaching


5 meetings by videoconference
Cost 600.

Individual or group mentoring


JI will share with you my expertise and experience in the field over the past few years. This mentorship is particularly aimed at those who wish to deepen the subjects of psychic abilities: "Psychic/remote viewing/bi-location/out-of-body experience.... And understand the basic principles of energetic medicine. The mentorship program will be emailed to you upon request. Meditation, Visualization and Projection Techniques / Energy Medicine and modern Science / Psychic Contact / Psychic reading/ Control Remote Viewing / Haunting, Infestation and Possession / Religions and Esoteric Influences / Psychic Abilities and Gifts / Out-of-Body Experiences  / Past Lives

8 weeks mentora/teaching


Training for Therapists


This training is mainly intended for therapists who want to improve their respective approaches by including therapeutic magnetism in their practice. It is also for all those who have discovered a "Gift" and want to tame it. ​ It is MANDATORY to have completed the "Psychic Faculties and Therapeutic Power" mentoring before being able to follow the "Therapeutic Magnetism" mentoring

One lesson at the time

120. (1hr)

One lesson at a time


Do you want to dig deeper into a particular topic?... I will adapt to your request, 1 meeting at a time! Meditation, Visualization and Projection Techniques / Energy Medicine and Modern Science 

Psychic Contacts / Control Remote Viewing / Haunting, Infestation and Possession / Religions and Esoteric Influences / Psychic Abilities and Gifts / Out-of-Body Experiences / Past Lives

inscription conf/formation

Thank you!

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